Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Slow start in Charleston

So before getting started tonight, I just want to say what great sports the people of Long Beach are. I was afraid I would get comments from people telling me I'm an idiot or worse after I wrote about the things I don't like about the city. But with the exception of one person who apparently believes my issues stem from my inability to buy property there, everyone who commented was respectful and kind. In fact, most of you just wanted to make sure I knew that there are indeed three ways to get there, four if you go by boat. So, thank you for taking my post with a grain of salt. I meant no disrespect.

But let's get back to "American Idol" shall we? We're in Charleston, S.C., tonight, and I, for one, am super excited to hear that sexy Southern drawl for a whole hour.

I'm a bit confused by the first guy up, whose name is Ray Henderson, but he goes by Rashard. Most people use nicknames to shorten their names up, not lengthen them - maybe it stands for something. Anyway, he says he sounds like Clay Aiken - I have a feeling he's mistaken, but let's keep an open mind and unpause the TiVo. Well, to be honest, I don't think his voice is bad at all - definitely no Clay Aiken, but really not that bad. The thing that might hold him back is his theatrics - he's down on one knee and gesturing all funny. Randy nails it right on the head - he says it was just over the top - Paula agrees with me and says it was very theatrical. And they all say no.

I hope that Charleston isn't going to be one dramatic singer after the other. Deanna Prevatte, who comes from Albemarle, N.C., the same town as Kellie Pickler, is a spitfire. She's a waitress and she's just full of character. She says she likes Kellie Pickler's song, but that she'd probably knock someone down with a baseball bat if she thought she was going to lose him instead of strutting around in high heels. And then she tells Simon about the cheap Sunday crowd at her restaurant and how it's an all-you-can-eat situation, but not a buffet, so the waitresses are run into the ground, and then the customers leave her like a dollar - she's cute and entertaining. In fact, the only negative thing I have to say up to this point is that she's wearing this cute camisole-like top, but the straps keep falling down - it's very distracting. But anyway, her singing doesn't start off that bad. The first line is actually good, but then she gets louder and louder and the next thing you know, she's down on both knees, pointing at the judges and screaming her song, with her straps halfway down her arms.

Simon calls her a tiger and says that her performance was a bit angry - they all say no and Simon tells her if he ever came into her restaurant, he would only have one helping. It's meant to be a joke, but she kind of just stares at him angrily as she walks out.

So, on to the first commercial break with no real talent yet.

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